Removal Van Hire on a Budget

17Dec 2014

Hiring a man with a van or removal company to help you move house can lighten the load substantially. However, affording a new deposit, possibly higher rent or mortgage and other moving expenses can be costly, only adding to the stress which already comes with moving house. Fortunately, it is possible to hire a reputable man with van while on a tight budget. Here are just some ways you can do this.Cheap van hireThe simplest answer is to find a cheap man with a van. There may be a reason for the cheaper price, so if you’re concerned about this, make sure to inquire about why this is. It may be because the company offer less services than other removal companies, for example, they may only load your belongings onto the van, drive to the destination and then unload them outside your house, rather than carrying them inside or up any stairs. The vans they offer may also be smaller, so make sure you’re clear on the size of van you’re hiring before booking. Also, make sure they have been checked over by either the National Guild of Movers and Storers or the British Association of Removers and that reviews about their services are positive. If in doubt, type their company name into a search engine and see if anything negative comes up. If not, give them a call and make an inquiry. Size of vehicleThe smaller the vehicle, the lower the cost of hire tends to be because the amount of petrol used should be less and also the amount of belongings being loaded would also be less. With this in mind, getting the smallest van possible should make the cost of hire lower if you’re on a budget, depending on the length of the journey. Obviously, this may be easier said than done. One way to do this is bring as little as possible with you to your new home. Weeks before you even move, go through everything as you start packing and throw out anything you don’t need. Sort into different bags: one for throwing away, the other for recycling or charity shops. If you’re strict, especially with items like clothes, books and DVDS, you should be able to condense the amount of boxes you’re bringing with you. With other items that you still want to take, see what you can fit in the car with you and see if any of your friends or family are available to help out. Offer to cook them dinner in return for their kindness. Hire just the vanYou don’t need to necessarily hire a man with a van to help you move, as long as you have a valid driver’s license, you can just hire a removal van. If you just hire a van, you’re not paying for the time of the movers that come with it and therefore the price will be lower. If you’re unsure or nervous about driving a vehicle that you’re not familiar with, ask around your friends and family to see if anyone else can help you. Make sure you know exactly where you’re going and bring a satellite navigation system just in case. Perhaps make the journey from the van hire centre to your new home in your regular car before setting out in your hired van so you’re more comfortable with the journey.

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